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VDAC1 siRNA inhibited cancer cell increase in a Matrigel based assay in host nude mice. Finally, inside a xenograft united states mouse model, chemically modified VDAC1 siRNA not simply inhibited tumor growth but in addition generated tumor regression. These studies thus implies that VDAC1 silencing with RNA interference (RNAi) dramatically inhibits cancer cell growth and tumor development by disabling the abnormal metabolic behavior of cancer cells, potentially paving the way for the more potent pipeline of anticancer drugs.Keywords: cancer; mitochondria; small interfering RNA; voltage dependent anion channel 1Top of pageIntroductionSelective downregulation of gene expression by small interfering RNA (siRNA) provides for a powerful approach for treating an array of human diseases, including cancers.1,2 Indeed, several researchers have demonstrated the possibility of siRNA based therapeutics for inhibiting the growth and proliferation of cancer cells in both vitro as well as in vivo.3,4,5 Furthermore, siRNA based therapeutics demonstrate considerable potential in sensitizing cancer cells to chemotherapy by silencing genes that promote the drug resistance that could occur during chemotherapy.6,7In skytop supra 3 this study, we took an RNA interference (RNAi) procedure for pinpoint the mitochondrial protein voltage dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1), the key protein in cell metabolism.

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